Vote PR BC

October 3, 2018

The VDLC supports the adoption of proportional representation in this years’ referendum. Visit our friends at for more information. 

At our May regular meeting the VDLC adopted the following motion: 

Subject:  Vote PR BC

BECAUSE the Provincial government will be holding a referendum this year on changing from our current first-past-the-post to a proportional representation voting system; and

BECAUSE proportional representation is demonstrated to be a more democratic form of electoral system, used in numerous countries globally, resulting in increased collaboration between parties, more responsive government, and higher voter turnout; and

BECAUSE the Vote PR BC campaign aims to promote the adoption of proportional representation in the upcoming referendum; and

BECAUSE the VDLC has been on record as supporting proportional representation since 2003,

THE VANCOUVER AND DISTRICT LABOUR COUNCIL WILL sign on as a supporting organization of the Vote PR BC campaign; and

THE VANCOUVER AND DISTRICT LABOUR COUNCIL WILL FINALLY promote and support the campaign in the lead up to the referendum.

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