A Green New Deal for Canada
With the threat of climate change looming, it is critical that we begin rapidly transforming our economy into one that will be sustainable in the long term. But in doing so, we must also create good new jobs and ensure that workers have a just transition into the new economy.
That’s why the VDLC has signed The Pact for a Green New Deal. At our May regular meeting the following recommendation was adopted.
Subject: Green New Deal
BECAUSE scientists warn that we have eleven years to dramatically reduce greenhouse gas emissions of face climate catastrophe; and
BECAUSE the Pact for a Green New Deal is bringing together workers organizations, scientists, Indigenous leaders, youth, artists, and others to support an ambitious policy platform aimed at re-tooling our economy to respond to the multiple crises facing our society; and
BECAUSE the Green New Deal recognizes that climate and jobs are not in conflict, rather we can both cut emissions in half and also create more than a million new good jobs; and
BECAUSE the Green New Deal now boasts sixty-seven endorsing organizations, including unions and labour groups, as well as dozens of public figures; and
BECAUSE these organizations aim to press political parties to commit to the implementation of a Green New Deal in the lead up to this Fall’s Federal election,
THE VANCOUVER AND DISTRICT LABOUR COUNCIL WILL endorse the Pact for a Green New Deal; and
THE VANCOUVER AND DISTRICT LABOUR COUNCIL WILL FURTHER promote the Green New Deal to its affiliate unions.
For more information, visit GreenNewDealCanada.ca