Call for Mandatory Training in TRC and UNDRIP

June 15, 2021

The VDLC endorses the call for mandatory training in the Truth and Reconciliation Commission report and United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples for all K-12 school staff in BC.

This campaign is being spearheaded by the Anti-Oppression Educators Collective (AOEC), a professional specialist association of the BC Teachers’ Federation. It’s goal is for the Ministry of Education to implement two days of mandatory in-service to read these two important documents.

We know that it is integral for settlers, including those in the education system, to read, learn and reckon. This fact is further highlighted by the recent heartbreaking and horrifying discovery of the graves of 215 children at the site of the Kamloops Indian Residential School.  

We encourage individuals and organizations to sign onto the call, which can be read and endorsed here

Additional information is also available in the AOEC open letters, available on their website

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