Decriminalize Personal Possession of Drugs in Vancouver

November 18, 2020

Next week a motion calling for action to decriminalize personal possession of drugs in the City of Vancouver will be debated by City Council. 

The motion, brought forward my Mayor Kennedy Stewart, aims to make Vancouver the first jurisdiction in Canada to fully embrace a health-focussed approach to substance use.

The VDLC has endorsed safe supply and decriminalization as aspects of a life-saving shift to this new approach. The City of Vancouver has seen 328 estimated overdose deaths this year alone, and more than 1,500 since the Provincial Overdose Emergency was declared in April 2016.

Urgent action is needed to save lives. We thank Mayor Stewart for his ongoing leadership on this issue, and call on City Council to pass this motion next week. 

Learn more, and read the motion

Sign up to speak on the motion

Send a message via Mayor Stewart’s website

UPDATE: This motion was passed unanimously by Vancouver City Council on November 26, 2020. 

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