How to Join a Union

Join a Union… there are benefits!

From a workers’ perspective, key reasons to join a union include getting a voice at work, respect, fairness rather than favouritism, access to more workplace training, job security, and collective action for a better work environment. It is your right as a worker to join a union. 


According to the BC Federation of Labour, the basic steps of organizing and joining a union are as follows: 

  1. You and a majority of your co-workers (excluding management) sign a membership card indicating your desire to become unionized.
  2. The union will file an Application for Certification as the bargaining agent for your workplace before the appropriate Labour Relations Board. Depending on what jurisdiction you are employed in BC, you must sign up at least 45% of the employees in order to apply for certification. In a federally regulated workplace, you must have at least 40% employee support to apply.
  3. The Labour Relations Board will review all membership cards received and conduct a vote of the eligible employees. If the majority votes in favour, the union is certified.

Need Help?

Contact the BC Federation of Labour in confidence today about how you can get a union at your workplace. Phone 604-430-1421 or email

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