The history of the Act and the compensation Board in British Columbia has a long and contentious history. Some important highlights are:
In 2001, the newly elected B.C. Liberal government appointed an employer-side lawyer, Alan Winter, to review the compensation system. His Core Services Review of the Workers’ Compensation Board (also known as the “the Winter Report”) formed the basis for Bill 49 and 63, for the devastating legislative changes to the Act which transformed the Board and the appeal system, and reduced compensation benefits for injured workers.
Among other changes, this legislation transformed the Board’s governance structure so that workers, as stakeholders, no longer had significant representation. (The fractious history of Board governance through the 1990’s and culminating in the 2002 changes is summarized in Appendix 22 in the New Directions report – see below).
In 2009, the B.C. Federation of Labour commissioned a report by 3 worker-side lawyers – Stan Guenther, Janet Patterson and Sarah O’Leary which called out these changes for their effect on injured workers. Their report, Insult to Injury: Changes to the BC Workers’ Compensation System (2002-2008): The Impact on Injured Workers is available on the BC Fed’s website.
In 2018, under a newly elected NDP government, the Board’s Board of Directors engaged Paul Petrie to review its policies. The resulting report, Restoring the Balance: A Worker-Centred Approach to Compensation Policy (the “Petrie Report”) identified the impact of the 2002 changes on seriously injured workers and recommended how Board policy could be made more worker-centric. The Petrie Report is available on the Board’s website, and is posted here under Featured Research & Publications.
In 2020, the NDP government made several amendments (improvements) to the compensation part of the Act, including:
In March, 2019, the NDP government also appointed Janet Patterson to review aspects of the compensation system and hold public hearings throughout the province. The resulting report – New Directions: WCB Review 2019 – made more than 100 recommendations to make the B.C. compensation system more worker-centred. It also included an Addendum the stories of 28 worker who presented at the public hearings, in their own words.
Both are also available under Featured Research & Publications.
Employers had a strong reaction to both the WCB Review 2019 process and the New Directions report. They removed themselves from the Review and strongly opposed the Report. The B.C. Federation of Labour, on the other hand, has strongly endorsed the report and commissioned Kevin Love of CLAS to summarize the recommendations in a Workers Deserve Better: How we can Build the Workers’ Compensation System that Injured Workers Need. This summary is available on the B.C. Federation of Labour website and under Featured Research & Publications.
Workers and Unions throughout B.C. are continuing to monitor how the Board addresses and treats workers who are injured in the course of employment in their particular sectors.