BC Labour Code
9:30 AM - 4:00 PM PST This is a virtual event
This course is designed for union staff reps, officers and senior stewards who need to understand the BC Labour Code and its application. It will provide an overview of important sections of the code and the regulations, interpretations, and rulings that you need to know to be strategic and effective.
NOTE: Most workplaces in BC are provincially regulated for purposes of labour relations, and subject to the BC Labour Relations Code. Provincially regulated sectors/industries include health, education, construction, retail, film, etc. This class would apply to workers and union representatives in those sectors/industries. Check with your workplace to ensure if this class would apply to you.
Facilitators: Jennifer Glougie, Associate Chair Adjudication, Labour Relations Board and Jonathan Hanvelt, Banister & Co.
Jennifer Glougie is an Associate Chair Adjudication of the BC Labour Relations Board. She previously practiced union-side law with Banister & Co., has been an instructor of Provincial Labour Law, and a curriculum developer and instructor of workshops for the Canadian Labour Congress.
Jonathan Hanvelt is a lawyer with Banister & Co., and regularly facilitates legal education courses for the Canadian Labour Congress, Lancaster House and the VDLC. He offers extensive experience from representing union clients at the Labour Relations Board, in arbitration, and at other tribunals.
Ticket Information for VDLC Affiliates: If you wish for your ticket to be invoiced to your union. please have your union contact the VDLC office to make arrangements.
Zoom link and any material will be forwarded a few days prior to class.