History, Teachings and How to Work Towards Reconciliation Through an Indigenous Lens
May 14, 2024 at 4:00 PM PST Maritime Labour Centre 111 Victoria Drive Vancouver, BC V5L 4C4
IN Person at the Maritime Labour Centre
This course will examine the history, knowledge, and teachings from an Indigenous lens; the impact of colonization, the inter-generational impacts of the Residential School system, the work of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, and an overview of current Aboriginal issues. We will examine the relevance and barriers for Indigenous people concerning issues in the labour movement and groups will brainstorm ways in what is learned, and how it can be used in the workplace to work towards Reconciliation.
Facilitator: Anjeanette Dawson
Spelexílh, Anjeanette Dawson is an Indigenous Educator, traditional wool weaver, knowledge keeper and BCGEU’s Indigenous Education Officer. Anjeanette has over 35 years of work experience as well as a lifetime of lived experiences that she shares during her presentations. Anjeanette has been facilitating workshops all over BC to cross components, delivering keynote speeches and sharing her knowledge of pre-contact history, the effects of colonization and Residential Schools. Anjeanette is creating relationships to support the 800-900 Indigenous BCGEU members across the province. Working and brainstorming with Indigenous colleagues to work together to be an advocate for Indigenous BCGEU members.