Promotion & Selection Grievances
9:30 AM - 4:00 PM PST Maritime Labour Centre 111 Victoria Drive Vancouver, BC V5L 4C4
IN Person at the Maritime Labour Centre
This course provides an overview of the different types of collective agreement language governing filling vacancies in the bargaining unit, and how to build a winning case depending on that language. Participants will practice analyzing fact patterns, applying the collective agreement, and arguing grievances.
Facilitator: Susanna Allevato Quail
Susanna Allevato Quail is a partner at Allevato, Quail & Roy where she practices labour, human rights, and regulatory law. She has experience representing unions and workers across the public and private sectors in arbitration, labour board, human rights tribunal, and court proceedings. Her pro bono work focuses on migrant workers rights and trans equality, and she has litigated precedent-setting cases in these areas. She brings a strong social-justice lens to her work and draws on her experience as a union activist prior to becoming a lawyer.