Making HOME: Housing for All of Us

January 19, 2022

On January 25 or 26, Vancouver City Council will vote on a motion introduced by Mayor Kennedy Stewart titled “Making Home: Housing for All of Us”.

The motion asks staff to develop a plan for the implementation of the Making HOME (Housing Options for Middle-income Earners) plan.

The plan allows for the development of up to six units on lots currently zoned for single family homes, with the goal of addressing the “missing middle” in the housing market by providing more affordable rental and ownership options. A 2,000-lot program could generate as many as 10,000 units of housing. At the same time, it would generate thousands of direct and indirect jobs, and hundreds of millions of dollars for community improvements, below-market housing, and climate action.

You can read more about Making HOME here.

The Vancouver and District Labour Council voted to endorse Making HOME at our November 2021 regular meeting. We have written to City Council expressing our support, and encourage our delegates and supporters to send their own message to Council in support of this motion.

Visit the City of Vancouver website to view the agenda, including the Making HOME motion, and to send a message of support or sign up to speak.

Image credit: Making HOME campaign.

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