Mobilize To Say NO To Bigotry And Hate

September 3, 2019

We have received the following information from our friends, the Peace Bearers, and are circulating for the information of anyone who may wish to attend. Let’s all stand together against bigotry!


Tuesday September 3, 2019

Sisters and Brothers,

We have received highly reliable information that the far-right intends to target the UBC Pride event this coming Friday evening, September 6. If recent attacks against Pride events in Hamilton and Toronto – as well as across the border in the US – are an indication their intent is to intimidate and if possible provoke violent responses.

According to our sources the neo-fascist groups involved are the UBC “Free Speech Club”, men’s rights proponents (or Incels) at UBC, the Soldiers of Odin, the group that has usurped the “Yellow Vests” symbol and Proud Boys.

Their broader strategy includes driving LGBTQ2+ people back into the closet and women “back in their place”, intimidating all progressive groups and communities from organizing and fighting back against the broader right-wing agenda and recruitment through broadcasting their activities on social media platforms.

The best, probably only, way to counter this is for people of good faith to show up in massive numbers to counter their message of hate with one of love, inclusion, and solidarity.

We are asking all available union executives, stewards and activists to be at UBC Fairview Commons (outside the Earth Sciences Building) at 4:30 pm this coming Friday to stand firmly but peacefully against this far-right assault on LGBTQ2+ young people at UBC. Together we can stop hate in its tracks and protect the hard-won gains we have all fought so hard to win over many decades of struggle.

For more information as things develop over the coming few days contact this office or email

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