Municipal Candidate Endorsement Opportunity

April 6, 2022

This notice is intended for new candidates, and incumbents who have not yet been vetted for endorsement in this year’s municipal elections. If you are receiving this notice and you have already submitted your questionnaire and/or been interviewed, then no further action is required. However, you may feel free to pass this information along to other candidates who may wish to seek labour council endorsement.

Labour Council Endorsement:
The Vancouver & District Labour Council is a chartered body of the Canadian Labour Congress (CLC).  Our labour council jurisdiction includes Vancouver, Richmond, City of North Vancouver, District of North Vancouver, West Vancouver, Bowen Island, Lulu Island, Lions Bay, and Electoral Area A.

One of our key responsibilities is to implement the CLC’s national political action program at the municipal level by endorsing and supporting candidates who share the values of the labour movement.

Accordingly, we are preparing for the October 15th municipal elections by seeking applications for endorsement from progressive candidates running in our jurisdiction. We are interested in endorsing candidates for all elected positions. 

Our Multi-Union Vetting Committee will be responsible for vetting candidates who are seeking our support. The committee will develop recommendations based on a number of factors such as responses to a questionnaire, support from municipal unions, voting records of incumbents, demonstrated community and labour activism, electability, promotion of diverse representation, and other factors.

Their recommendations will then be voted on by delegates representing VDLC-affiliated unions at a regular meeting no later than June 21st.  

The VDLC uses the following framework for endorsement of candidates:

  1. Regardless of whether candidates are running as independents or as part of a political party, the VDLC will vet candidates individually vs. approval of a slate.
  2. The VDLC will not endorse more candidates than there are positions.
  3. The VDLC will only consider endorsing candidates who request it.

To be considered for endorsement, you need to:

  1. Complete the appropriate VDLC candidate questionnaire:
  1. Return the completed questionnaire to the VDLC no later than May 9, 2022, at 9:00 am. (NOTE: if your nomination process is not finished you can still complete the questionnaire in anticipation of running).
  2. Be willing to participate in a 30-minute interview. Please note that only shortlisted candidates will be contacted for interviews.

Please contact me if you have any questions regarding this process.


Stephen von Sychowski

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