No Sale of Public Lands!

September 19, 2019

We have been alarmed by recent talk of the possible sale of public lands, including the Vancouver School Board-owned Kingsgate Mall. 

The VDLC opposes the sale of public lands, and instead proposes that public lands eyed for development should be considered for the construction of truly affordable housing. The following recommendation was adopted at our September 17, 2019, regular meeting: 

Subject:  No Sale of Public Lands

BECAUSE public lands are a public resource which ought not simply be deemed surplus and sold off for short term gain; and

BECAUSE these lands belong to the public and not merely to the government of the day, and should be maintained for future generations,

THE VANCOUVER AND DISTRICT LABOUR COUNCIL WILL call on all levels of government, including Vancouver City Council and the Vancouver School Board, not to sell public lands under any circumstances but instead to keep it for public use and/or offer it for lease where appropriate; and

THE VANCOUVER AND DISTRICT LABOUR COUNCIL WILL FURTHER encourage all levels of government to consider opportunities for the construction of affordable rental housing on public lands where appropriate; and

THE VANCOUVER AND DISTRICT LABOUR COUNCIL WILL FINALLY specifically oppose any proposal to sell the Vancouver School Board property known as Kingsgate Mall.

For more information on the Kingsgate Mall issue, see the recent article in the Tyee: “Why Selling Kingsgate Mall Would be Bad for Vancouver Schools, and the City”

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