One Day Longer, One Day Stronger at Lucky Friday Mine
At Hecla’s Lucky Friday Mine in Mullan, Idaho, two-hundred and fifty members of United Steelworkers Local 5114 are approaching two years on the picket line.
The miners are standing strong against Hecla’s concessionary demands and union-busting efforts. They have vowed to stand firm until the fight is won; one day longer, one day stronger.
Strikers from Local 5114 visited Vancouver on January 28 for protests at Hecla’s Canadian corporate office, and at the Vancouver Convention Centre where Hecla sponsored the annual meeting of the Association of Mineral Exploration. VDLC President Stephen von Sychowski spoke at the rally outside the convention centre and expressed solidarity and a message of internationalism on behalf of the labour council.
We will stay tuned for future actions which can be taken to support USW Local 5114.