Sign the Petition – Fairness for Ledcor LTS Workers!
238 workers at Ledcor Telecommunication Services joined the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 213 (IBEW 213) in August of 2017. Following the refusal of LTS to bargain a first collective agreement in good faith, the workers voted to strike. The strike began on September 30, 2019 and has continued to the present day.
We are asking supporters of workers rights to sign the petition calling on the Federal Minister of Labour, to respond to the urgent request of IBEW Local 213 to direct the CIRB to set terms and conditions for a first collective agreement between per section 80 (1)-(4) of the Canada Labour Code.
The petition also calls on the Federal Liberal government to take immediate steps to strengthen the Canada Labour Code to ensure that the Constitutional rights of workers, which have also been confirmed in decisions by the Supreme Court, cannot be trampled by unscrupulous anti-union employers. Among such reforms must be long overdue federal anti-scab legislation ensuring a fair playing field in future labour disputes.
The petition is co-sponsored by our Labour Council and the New Westminster and District Labour Council.