Tentative Agreement Reached at CLC
Earlier this evening IAMAW LL 3111 Canadian Union of Labour Representatives posted the following announcement of a tentative agreement with the Canadian Labour Congress. We congratulate CULR on standing up for fairness and achieving this tentative agreement!
At 7:45pm EST this evening, after a full day and evening of negotiations, the Bargaining Committee of IAMAW Local Lodge 3111 CULR reached a Tentative Agreement with our employer, the Canadian Labour Congress.
We will be completing back-to-work protocols with our employer tomorrow, and will be in touch with our membership with details of a ratification meeting as soon as possible to allow an opportunity for all members to review and democratically vote on the terms and conditions of the Tentative Agreement.
Thank you to our many allies within and outside the labour movement, including the retirees on whose shoulders we stand, for the tremendous and overwhelming support for our membership over these past weeks. This support was instrumental in obtaining an agreement this evening.