VDLC Reaches 130th Anniversary
One hundred and thirty years ago today, on November 21, 1889, the Vancouver and District Labour Council was founded.
The history book published on our 100th Anniversary described that historic day as follows:
“It was probably a wet, damp night, that night of November 21st. Representatives of the carpenters, printers, plasterers and painters, the Saftesbury Local Assembly of the Knights of Labor, and the Amalgamated Society of Carpenters and Joiners met in the Sullivan Hall on Cordova Street. They first discussed local happening, and then set about their business; to form a Labour Council to represent “matters pertaining to the welfare of workingmen.” In neat script George Bartley of the printer’s union recorded their words and fifteen days later, the Trades and Labour Council of Vancouver was officially born.”
We proudly continue the legacy of the VDLC, one of Canada’s oldest labour organizations.
For more VDLC history, click HERE for a PDF of the booklet we issued on our 125th Anniversary.