Workers Together: person shouting into megaphone

Labour Day Op Ed: It’s Time for a Better Deal for Workers

September 5, 2024

Canada is at a crossroads. We can continue down a path where workers grapple with rising costs and stagnant wages, or we can work together for a better deal.

Workers are the backbone of our economy. Every day, we power industries, drive innovation, and support communities. Yet, as we work to keep Canada running, we face an ever-growing financial squeeze. Housing, a basic human right, has become a luxury few can afford. Pay cheques, already stretched thin, can no longer cover basic necessities. Grocery bills, utilities and other essentials that form the bedrock of our daily lives are becoming increasingly unaffordable, pushing families to the brink.

Meanwhile, corporations and the wealthiest individuals are reaping record profits. This stark contrast is not just unfair—it’s unsustainable. By inflating prices, hoarding profits and dodging taxes, corporations shift the financial burden onto ordinary Canadians.

It’s time to end corporate greed and make those who have benefited the most contribute their fair share.

We need our politicians to ensure that corporations and the wealthy are held accountable and made to pay up. Some politicians, like Pierre Poilievre, speak often about the struggles working people face, but refuse to hold corporations accountable. In fact, Mr. Poilievre has voted consistently to cut corporate taxes throughout his 20 years in parliament.

Failing to make corporations pay what they owe makes it harder to provide relief to families and hollows out crucial funding for services like healthcare, education, and infrastructure. These services support the well-being and security of everyone—helping to build a society where everyday people can improve their lives and their families’ futures. This is exactly why pushing back against corporate greed and fighting for fairness is so important to Canada’s unions.

The collective strength and relentless advocacy of unions and workers have led to the creation of essential social programs that improve affordability and quality of life. Through our united efforts, programs like the Canada Pension Plan, public healthcare, public transit, employment insurance, and affordable childcare have become pillars of support for all workers.

At the core of our beliefs lies an unwavering commitment to the fundamental principle of fairness and dignity in the workplace. We advocate for better wages, safer working conditions, and essential benefits like healthcare and pensions, ensuring that every worker—regardless of their position—is treated with respect.  Unions have long fought for the rights of all working people. Now, it’s time for our political leaders to follow suit. The path forward demands a concerted effort to prioritize people over profits, by creating good union jobs, investing in public services, and ensuring that corporations and wealthy individuals pay their fair share. By doing so, Canada can build a more equitable society where workers and their families can thrive

As Canada approaches this crossroads, the choices made now will determine the future for generations to come. So, this Labour Day, let’s bring workers together – and let’s get a better deal

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