Every Vote Crucial in Close Vancouver Election
Media Advisory
October 3, 2022
Vancouver, BC
Every Vote Crucial in Close Vancouver Election
Recent polling conducted by Research Co. and commissioned by the Vancouver and District Labour Council (VDLC) reveals an extremely close election on the horizon in the City of Vancouver. With the October 15th election date fast approaching, the VDLC is urging workers to support their endorsed candidates at the polls.
“There’s no doubt this election is going to be very close. That’s clear to anyone who’s paying attention, and this poll confirms it,” said VDLC President Stephen von Sychowski. “Workers in Vancouver need to deliver a united vote for the candidates that unions interviewed and determined would represent the values of our labour movement.”
The labour council endorsed Mayor Kennedy Stewart for re-election, as well as ten candidates for city council, nine for school board, and seven for park board.
“We face a critical choice which will determine what kind of city we spend the next four years building. One choice includes cuts to programs and services, the loss of good jobs, labour unrest, and regressive approaches to housing, poverty, and the opioid crisis. The other choice is working together to build a more affordable, inclusive, resilient city for all of our residents,” von Sychowski said.
“That means we don’t stay home. It means we get out and vote to return Kennedy Stewart to the mayor’s office and elect a strong team of progressive city councillors. The way we will do that is simple but crucial: vote for labour’s endorsed candidates.”
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For further information: Stephen von Sychowski at president@vdlc.ca or 604-254-0703
Labour endorsed candidates, with ballot order numbers
STEWART, Kennedy
104 ANDERSON, Dulcy (Forward with Kennedy Stewart)
111 SINGH, Alvin (Forward with Kennedy Stewart)
112 BONAMIS, Iona 陶思穎 (OneCity)
114 WIEBE, Michael (GREEN
122 CARR, Adriane (GREEN)
125 NORRIS, Matthew (OneCity)
136 SWANSON, Jean (COPE)
137 CROMWELL, Ian (OneCity)
139 BOYLE, Christine (OneCity)
151 FRY, Pete (GREEN)
School Board:
304 MAH, Suzie 馬陳小珠 (COPE)
317 SIGURDSON, Krista (OneCity)
318 EPSTEIN, Kyla (OneCity)
320 REDDY, Jennifer (OneCity)
322 SOMERS, Gavin (OneCity)
323 BROWN, Rory (OneCity)
326 CARDWELL, Steve (Vision Vancouver)
329 WONG, Allan 黃偉倫 (Vision Vancouver)
Park Board:
209 STOCKWELL, Caitlin (OneCity)
212 IRWIN, John (Vision Vancouver)
213 JACKSON, Serena (OneCity)
217 HASSAN, Maira (COPE)
226 RIVERS, Tiyaltelut Kristen (OneCity)