Letter to Government re: Frontline Workers

April 2, 2020

The following letter was sent on April 2 as part of our ongoing advocacy for working people during the COVID-19 pandemic. 


I am writing on behalf of the Vancouver and District Labour Council, representing approximately 60,000 public and private sector unionized workers in Vancouver, Richmond, North Vancouver, West Vancouver, and the surrounding areas.

We are following up on our previous correspondence regarding the COVID-19 pandemic and urgent actions needed from government to protect workers and their communities.

Today, we are following up with a further appeal for urgent measures to protect frontline workers both physically and economically.

I am attaching a copy of statement released by the Executive Board of our Council recently which outlines some of the critical areas we are hearing require further attention.

We have also recently launched a petition around this, which has received tremendous support already in its first day or so online.

Our ask is simply that all levels of government work together in earnest to ensure that workers are put at the forefront of government actions on this file. This must be especially so in the case of frontline workers, who put themselves at great risk daily in order to help see us all through this crisis.


Stephen von Sychowski
President, VDLC

Link to statement.


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