
The term “organizing” means both campaigns to certify non-union workers into union membership, and “internal organizing” to strengthen the capacity of unions through engaging with and skill-building existing union members. 

Topics include: 

Helpful Resources: 

Labor Notes is a media and organizing project that has been the voice of union activists who want to put the movement back in the labor movement since 1979. Through their magazine, website, books, conferences, and workshops, they promote organizing, aggressive strategies to fight concessions, alliances with worker centers, and unions that are run by their members.

  • Labor Notes Magazine. In Labor Notes, you’ll find reports on inventive organizing tactics and contract campaigns. You’ll read coverage of the people who are working to kick some life into their unions and put their fellow workers in the driver’s seat. You’ll read sometimes shocking stories of workers’ struggles abroad, and inspiring stories of solidarity.
  • Books (for purchase). Over the years Labor Notes has sold tens of thousands of these strategy manuals to rank-and-file activists hungry to develop new skills and union locals that have worn them out in training classes.
  • Events and workshops (based in the USA). Labor Notes works with local unions and community groups to organize Troublemakers Schools, bringing labor activists in your city or region together for a day of workshops on grassroots unionism and skills that officers and rank and filers need.

(VIDEO) Promoting Your Union: Six Strategies to Get More Organizing Leads and Union Members. Do you know the 6 most effective ways to reach non-union workers? Promoting Your Union is a book to help union organizers get more organizing leads, create outreach plans to bring in new members and build the power of their unions.

Secrets of a Successful Organizer (Handouts). These handouts are based from the best-selling book Secrets of a Successful Organizer available for download. Feel free to print them out and share them with your co-workers or use in your next union meeting.